Monday, April 14, 2014

Day 14

Today I am supposed to tell you what 2 items (other than people and animals) I would save in a house fire.  This has been the easiest question for me to answer, but the hardest for me to tell you, because without a doubt, the first things I would save are my baby embarrassing!  Yes, I still have them, and yes, I still sleep with them, almost every night.  Have you seen the musical, The Producers?  Basically, I'm Bloom.  I bury my face in them when I'm upset and get really nervous when other people touch them, for fear they will be thrown away!  When I fly, I keep them in my carry-on, because I'm too afraid they will get lost forever! 

These two blankets have already survived a fire during my freshman year of college.  Remember those clip on lamps that were super popular in the dorms?  I left mine clipped to the underside of my roommate's bunk, so I could study on my bed.  One night, I left to go see one of the Matrix movies with some high school friends, and when I came back, there was a lot of commotion, and it turned out my lamp had fallen, turned on, and subsequently started a fire on my mattress.....while my roomie was sleeping.  It was a crazy night, and everyone was fine.  I just needed a new mattress and bedding.  Oh college life.

The second thing I would save is my book list.  I have been keeping track of the books I have read since 1999.  I am quite OCD about it, and even though I use the Goodreads app on my phone, I would be very sad to lose my original list.

I would be sad to leave behind my scrapbooks and photo albums and postcard collection, but most of my favorite pictures are online or my parents have copies at their homes.  Our most important documents are kept in a safe deposit box, and everything else could be replaced, in fact some things need to be replaced (my cat-scratched couches), but that's a story for another time.

What things would you save? 

Linking up with A Fresh Start on a Budget for today's challenge.

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