Sunday, May 4, 2014

April Blogging Challenge Wrap Up

I'm still a bit behind, but here are the last three prompts from the April Blogging Challenge

28:  Share a favorite childhood memory
 There are far too many to count.  I have so many fond memories.  At the top of my list, though, is  driving to Toronto each summer to spend 2 weeks with my Dad's mom, Popo, my Uncle Mark & Aunty Judy, and cousins Andrew & Matthew.  The car trips were long, but my sister(s) and I found tons of ways to amuse ourselves from writing notes in different voices, to counting the number of Dodge Neons we would see on the way (obviously our dream car).  Toronto often was ahead of Lincoln, and I remember clear as day seeing McFlurry's a year before they came to Nebraska.

Other favorite memories include:
Going to the bookmobile and participating in the summer reading program with the library.
Obviously my card was always maxed out.  Karen, "the bookmobile lady," even came to my wedding reception.  I miss those days. 
Walking to "the pig farm" down the gravel road, and throwing stones into the creek.
Bicycle skid marks
Playing house outside and using various plant material to make "salad" and "soup."

29.  Write a letter to your readers
Dear  Readers,

Thank you for joining me on my blogging journey.  I hope you enjoy my entries!  I love all sorts of things, so bear with me and my lack of focus.  Again, thank you for taking time out of your busy days to read my poorly written posts.  :)


30.  Tell us 3 random facts about you
I'm a pretty open book, but here are some things you might not already know about me.
1) I didn't like Paris much the first time we went, but after getting home, I missed it all the time.  I feel the same way about Budapest.
2) I have severe abandonment issues.
3) I prefer dogs to cats, but I do love my cat.

This brings me to the end of the challenge.  I have enjoyed going about it in my own way, and I hope it was fun for you all to read too!  Stay tuned for updates from Paris and Valencia....EEEEEE!!!! :)

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