As per usual, the highlights of my weekend were food experiences. Friday night, Amy's 20th birthday, we headed out to The Parthenon, a popular local Greek restaurant. Adam & I had been there once before for a holiday party, but it was the first time for everyone else. As we were too busy talking, eating, and having a grand old time, I neglected to take any pictures, save for this shot taken by my camera-shy husband.

Waiter: What about you, buddy? Know what you want?
Aaron: Leg of Lamb...
For those of you who know my family, this 12 year old boy always, ALWAYS, sticks to some sort of fried chicken or pizza at restaurants. It made his food loving big(gest) sister so happy to see him brave the unknown! Even better, he loved it! Basically, we had the best time telling stories and laughing until our faces hurt. Next time, we hope to bring Dad along.
Stay tuned, as we move from Greece to France on Saturday.
Love the picture.